
Good habits alone are not enough.

Had a thought today about all the good habits I've built into my life.  Reading, Breathe work, walking, forgiving people, etc.   Also the bad habits I've eliminating, smoking, excessive drinking, binging television.  

I feel pretty good about the habits, but it's not enough. My routines have been severely disrupted by having a baby.  I don't have any like minded friends to discuss the impacts of this, but my routines have been picked up by tiny hands, and smashed against the wall like tonight's mash potato's.

recognizing my struggles are temporary and maybe I just need to live like this for a while has been difficult.

My Task today was simply writing this post.  I'm gutted, have nothing left to offer today.

I need to find something more constructive to write about and build a better routine about how I start this exercise.